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Spend millions, then close public washrooms

Editor: We have just experienced the most significant world financial crisis in our (Baby Boomer generation) lives and, according to the “six pack” on Township council, it’s business as usual.

Council hands out millions, then asks our opinion on curtailing bathroom hours for playgrounds.

Mayor Rick Green has stood by his promise to try to implement fundamental changes in the way the Township does business. Good on him.

Think about it, he could have cruised through and been the good buddy to everyone on council. I’m sure that would have been much easier for him, but he has stood true to his promise in trying to deliver change.

Councillor Charlie Fox wants to blame the mayor for strained relations between councillors. Fox is entitled to his opinion.

I’d say that there are a lot of people who blame the councillors of the day, who back in 2005 let the Township give up all its authority to the Agricultural Land Commission, on issues relating to landfills.

Then after making this conscious decision, they told everyone the evil handler (the ALC) was to blame.

Shame on the Township. There are many property owners who live next to landfill farms who likely aren’t real happy with Charlie and company.

Maybe we should hire a consultant to find the rationale behind that move, and discover who should shoulder the blame.

Think about it — Mayor Green scares the old guard at the hall. I think that’s a wonderful thing.

Ryan Steward,
