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PAINFUL TRUTH: Astronaut in a meat spacesuit

PAINFUL TRUTH: Astronaut in a meat spacesuit

Descartes was wrong, I'm sure he'll be crushed
LANGLEY GREEN BEAT: Upcycling wakeup call

LANGLEY GREEN BEAT: Upcycling wakeup call

TWU prof and students given grant to fun various upcycle efforts at the Langley university
PAINFUL TRUTH: History is a list of crises

PAINFUL TRUTH: History is a list of crises

Is history a long process of slow progress, or a series of violent disruptions?
PAINFUL TRUTH: Canada is too much for US to swallow

PAINFUL TRUTH: Canada is too much for US to swallow

Practical reasons for America to just back off on any idea of annexation
PAINFUL TRUTH: Tooth brush myths exploded

PAINFUL TRUTH: Tooth brush myths exploded

If you thought about how old the toothbrush was, what would your first guess be? Mine was originally that it had to date back to sometime in the 19th century. That would be wrong.
PAINFUL TRUTH: Get ready for the black swans

PAINFUL TRUTH: Get ready for the black swans

Making predictions for 2025 is a foolish game
PAINFUL TRUTH: Summer dreams invade winter nights

PAINFUL TRUTH: Summer dreams invade winter nights

Winter darkness is never fun, especially compared to a good bike ride
PAINFUL TRUTH: Four years of frantic Trumpology

PAINFUL TRUTH: Four years of frantic Trumpology

Reading the tea leaves about Trump's true intentions
PAINFUL TRUTH: The condo market goes kaboom

PAINFUL TRUTH: The condo market goes kaboom

Condos resemble Jenga towers in more ways than one
PAINFUL TRUTH: Warding off the dinosaur killers

PAINFUL TRUTH: Warding off the dinosaur killers

Batting aside asteroids is a pretty good reason to keep funding space probes