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Concert in consort

Kwantlen Music and LCMS join forces to offer a free performance on Saturday, April 2
Flutist Paolo Bortolussi and violinist Calvin Dyck will be joined on stage at Langley Community Music School by pianist Jane Hayes, when the three Kwantlen music instructors perform a free concert and conduct master classes (open to the public to observe) at the music school in City Park on April 2.

A pair of Langley music schools are taking the collaborative process to the next level.

In a unique event, three instructors from Kwantlen Polytechnic University will take the stage together at Langley Community Music School on April 2, to perform an extensive program — including compositions by Bach, Schubert, Doppler, Beethoven and Debussy — titled simply, Musical Offerings.

The trio — flutist Paolo Bortolussi, violinist Calvin Dyck and pianist Jane Hayes — are all music faculty members at KUC’s Langley campus.

In addition to the evening concert, which will be offered for free in Rose Gellert Hall, the musicians will also sit down, one-on-one, with LCMS students in a series of afternoon master classes, which will also be open to the public at no charge.

When it comes to teaching in front of an audience, generally, the approach is a little broader than a private lesson, where instructor and student get into the “nitty gritty” of a piece, said Bortolussi.

The master classes will deal more with fine tuning performance-ready pieces.

While the day is not focused on recruiting new students for Kwantlen’s music department, it’s important to create connections between the schools, Bortolussi believes.

“We want it to feel like (music students) have the opportunity to stay in Langley. People tend to look outward when they leave high school.

“Our goal is to create in Langley an integrated stream for our excellent music students to ‘graduate’ through the system, from the conservatory through Kwantlen University — and create a more home-grown arts scene.”

While this is the first time this particular type of collaboration has taken place between the two schools, Bortolussi would love for it to become an annual event.

“We’ll see how it goes this time. I’d like to see the LCMS orchestra performing on the Kwantlen stage,” he added.

He sees potential benefits for students at both institutions.

“It seems like a huge divide between university  and high school performances, but it’s not; it’s just one year.”

“Playing with people at the next stage (of development) can be very instructive,” he said. “The older students learn to lead and younger students see how much effort goes into (university studies).”

More immediately, he’s looking forward to being on stage with his two Kwantlen colleagues.

“It’s nice to find opportunities to feel more cohesive, versus saying, ‘hi’ in the hall.”

Bortolussi has performed only once before with Hayes, but he and the violinist are regulars on stage together with the Vancouver Island symphony, where Dyck is concert master.

“We’re really excited about having three musicians of such impressive calibre playing together on one stage,” says Zdenek Skoumal, Kwantlen Music Department chair.

“This sort of concert demonstrates how Kwantlen faculty really are able to practise what they preach. It’s a terrific opportunity for anyone passionate about chamber music. It should not be missed.”

LCMS principal Susan Magnusson agrees it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement.

“(The April 2 event) provides LCMS students with an opportunity to learn from members of Kwantlen’s expert faculty who, in turn, have an opportunity to introduce themselves to our students,” she noted.

“Our programs complement one another, with ours preparing students up to graduation and theirs providing post-secondary studies.”

“Musical Offerings” is being jointly presented by Kwantlen and the Langley Community Music School. The free concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 2 at the Rose Gellert Hall in the Langley Community Music School and the master classes run from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

For more information about the Langley Community Music School, visit or to learn more about the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Department of Music, visit

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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