An idea was planted at HD Stafford Middle School sometime ago to build a community garden in the courtyard that would be tended to by students, for students. They could then, in turn, see their food grow and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of their labour.
On Monday, the garden firmly took root, with the delivery of three yards of soil to the Langley City school.
Langley City Youth Council members, along with Stafford students and Mayor Ted Schaffer grabbed shovels and gardening gloves on Monday to fill the six planters and beds with the dirt donated by the City. The crew of teens and community members turned the courtyard into the future community garden.
“The community garden has three beds which will have seed fruits and vegetables. We also have edible berries and natural species planted,” said community schools support co-ordinator Brad Hendy. “The community has been really generous in their donations to us.”
Students in the outdoor education program will be tending to the garden.
“The goal is to share the fruits and vegetables from this garden with our breakfast program feeding students who otherwise would come to school hungry,” said Hendy.