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Contractor sues over Langley pit bull mauling

Attack victim claims serious injuries from multiple bites
Vancouver Supreme Court. (Black Press Media files)

A Maple Ridge contractor is suing after he was allegedly mauled by pit bulls in Langley while building a secure enclosure for the dogs.

According to the notice of civil claim filed on May 23, the contractor was hired in February to install a chain-link fence in the back yard of a home in Brookswood. The chain link was to be installed to prevent the family's male pit bull from digging underneath the existing fencing and getting into neighbouring yards.

The claim alleges that on Feb. 28, as the contractor was on site to bring in fencing materials, the back door of the home opened, and the family's male pit bull, as well as a visiting female pit bull, were released into the yard.

"The dogs were uncontrolled and viciously attacked the plaintiff repeatedly by biting him," the statement of claim alleges.

"The… defendants, knowing the dogs were aggressive, had confirmed with the plaintiff that the dogs would be kept indoors while the plaintiff was working on the property, and further confirmed with him his time of arrival on February 28, 2024," the claim says.

The claim lists a number of injuries, including "multiple dog bites" to the right forearm and elbow, left elbow, and right hip. The contractor suffered indentations and bony fragments to his right ulna bone, impaired motor activity in his right hand, decreased sensation to his right hand and arm, an infection in that arm, and "compartment syndrome" to his right forearm, as well as anxiety, his claim alleges.

The owners of the male dog breached their duty of care by failing to keep the dogs securing confined, tethered, or muzzled, the claim alleges.

In addition, the contractor is suing the owners of the female pit bull – listed in the civil claim as John and Jane Doe – on similar grounds, as well as the Township of Langley, for allegedly failing to enforce bylaws around aggressive and dangerous dogs.

The contractor is seeking damages for loss of past and future income and earning capacity, care costs, and special damages.

The dog owners and the Township have not yet filed responses to the lawsuit. None of the claims made by the contractor have been proven in court.

In the wake of the dog attack, the Langley Animal Protection Society seized the male pit bull as a dangerous dog. The second, female dog has not been seized, but there is an ongoing investigation into the matter, LAPS executive director Sarah Jones confirmed.

Due to the ongoing court case, Jones could not comment further on the incident.

Matthew Claxton

About the Author: Matthew Claxton

Raised in Langley, as a journalist today I focus on local politics, crime and homelessness.
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