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Initial response positive to proposed replacement car show for Langley

Would be smaller than the departing Cruise-in show and would be Sunday-only
Randy Caine says initial response to a proposal to create a new Langley City car show for charity has been encouraging. The Langley City business owner says a poll of local merchants shows “all but one” would support a smaller Sunday-only exhibition in August in place of the departing Cruise-In show. Dan Ferguson Langley Times

A proposal to create a new Langley City car show to replace the departing Cruise-In event has generated a positive response, according to Randy Caine, the local businessman behind the idea.

Caine is proposing a smaller “family-friendly” event that would be held on a Sunday instead of a Saturday, on August 6 during the BC Day long weekend.

The proposed switch to Sunday has the support of most merchants, Caine said.

“Saturday is a very big day for us (local businesses) in terms of sales,” Caine told The Times.

A poll of 20 businesses found “only one” against the idea, he said.

Car clubs have also expressed an interest in participating, and Caine said the municipality seemed receptive, based on preliminary conversations.

City Mayor Ted Schaffer confirmed he and Caine have spoken about the proposal.

Scahffer said the city is willing to take a look at the idea, but cautioned the municipality would have concerns about crowd control and public safety, “the same issues” it had with Cruise-In.

Caine said a meeting has been arranged with the City for May 17 to discuss the idea further.

“I think that we can move this thing along.”

Caine said the new show, like cruise-in, would raise money for local charities, but would be “more of a Langley City” event with the municipality having more of a say.

It would bring food trucks to Douglas Park as part of a new food and entertainment venue.

The Cruise-In event pulled out of in Langley City following a disagreement with the City over policing costs.

Wayne Patterson, president of Cruise-In, had his doubts about the Caine proposal.

“Who’s going to pay for the policing costs?” Patterson said.

“That’s still in play.”

Patterson said Cruise-In organizers have almost completed plans for Aldergrove.

A traffic management plan was to be presented to the Township this week, and Patterson said the owners of a shutdown Aldergrove shopping mall just off Fraser highway have agreed to allow the event to use the parking lot for exhibition space.

Dan Ferguson

About the Author: Dan Ferguson

Best recognized for my resemblance to St. Nick, I’m the guy you’ll often see out at community events and happenings around town.
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