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Langley Advance 10 Questions: B.C. Conservative Justin Greenwood responds

Langley’s Conservative candidate provided extended answers to our survey.

Langley Conservative candidate Justin Greenwood provided these extended answers to our 10 questions survey.

1. Do you support the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline?


We support the trade of our natural resources. As long as it’s done responsibly and respectfully.

2. Should the province intervene further to cool real estate prices?


The prices have not “cooled”. They only slowed down the sales when introducing the 15% F.B.T.

Detached home prices have only slipped a percentage or two, whereas town home and condos have gone up

double digit percentages in price.

3. Should schools be built before anticipated population growth?


4. Should modest tolls be placed on all bridges and major highways to fund TransLink?


We already fund TransLink enough here in Langley and the Fraser Valley. 17 cents of every litre of gasoline purchased in Langley and the Fraser Valley goes to TransLink. That needs to start coming back here. We’re not a priority when it comes to transit expansion, and that’s not alright with me.

5. Should fast-growing Langley have its own courthouse again?


6. Should political donations be capped for MLAs and parties?


We support banning corporate, union and non-resident political donations. I have not accepted any of these during my campaign and will stand with anyone for a much needed political finance reform.

7. Would you support a moratorium on removing land from the ALR?


However, there should also be common sense approaches in regards to the greater public good over developers.

8. Should B.C. allow 18 year olds to smoke legal marijuana?


9. Would you support raising provincial taxes to help house the homeless?


In order to help promote self-reliance among the homeless, we as a community need to be a self-reliant example and stop depending on the government. We live in an area very rich in community organizations and churches. We should be working together on this issue first.

10. Should addicts be prescribed heroin/opioids to help control the overdose crisis?


This is the wrong focus. Enabling addiction, most especially on our tax dollar, is never a good thing; nor is it compassionate.

Matthew Claxton

About the Author: Matthew Claxton

Raised in Langley, as a journalist today I focus on local politics, crime and homelessness.
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