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Langley Advance 10 Questions: Chaddock-Costello responds

The Langley NDP candidate provided extended answers to our survey.

1. Do you support the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline? No

2. Should the province intervene further to cool real estate prices? Yes

3. Should schools be built before anticipated population growth? Yes

4. Should modest tolls be placed on all bridges and major highways to fund TransLink?

We will eliminate tolls on the Port Mann and the Golden Ears bridges. We will work with mayors to develop lasting, effective and fair solutions to Metro Vancouver’s transportation needs that increase the use of public transit, and reduce vehicle trips overall.

5. Should fast-growing Langley have its own courthouse again?

The BC Liberals have underfunded the justice system which has resulted in closing community courthouses, among other things. We will reinvest in legal aid and ensure people have fair access to justice.

6. Should political donations be capped for MLAs and parties? Yes

7. Would you support a moratorium on removing land from the ALR?

We will revitalize the land reserve and the Agricultural Land Commission.

8. Should B.C. allow 18 year olds to smoke legal marijuana?

BC needs good, strong regulations for the federal initiative to legalize marijuana.

9. Would you support raising provincial taxes to help house the homeless?

A BC NDP government will partner with the federal government, local municipalities, agencies and community groups to create an immediate homelessness action plan, which includes a provincial poverty reduction plan. We are committed to reducing the homeless population through permanent housing and services as part of our action plan on housing

10. Should addicts be prescribed heroin/opioids to help control the overdose crisis?

We should use evidence-based methods to save lives. If elected, a BC NDP government will provide access to a wide range of evidence-based and regulated treatment, including licensing our current recovery house system, enhancing supports post-detox, and improving access to harm reduction options that save lives

Matthew Claxton

About the Author: Matthew Claxton

Raised in Langley, as a journalist today I focus on local politics, crime and homelessness.
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