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Construction beginning on 216th Street interchange

Construction beginning on 216th Street interchange

The Township has announced a road closure to allow for the interchange work to begin.
One in three Canadian high school students have rode with drinking drivers, study reveals

One in three Canadian high school students have rode with drinking drivers, study reveals

Nearly one in five rode with a driver who’d been smoking pot
VIDEO: Crash ties up Langley City intersection (updated)

VIDEO: Crash ties up Langley City intersection (updated)

Two vehicles involved
UPDATED: Negotiations	resume in lockout at Canada Bread in Langley

UPDATED: Negotiations resume in lockout at Canada Bread in Langley

Union workers have been off the job more than a month
Langley City restaurant’s doors are closed for good

Langley City restaurant’s doors are closed for good

Old Yale Bistro owner walking away after December fire
Locked out Langley baker workers and company set to sit down

Locked out Langley baker workers and company set to sit down

The company has settled with workers at its Laval distribution who were also locked out April 1.
VIDEO: Trudeau visits Cloverdale-Langley City riding to tout child benefit

VIDEO: Trudeau visits Cloverdale-Langley City riding to tout child benefit

Prime Minister talks Canada Child Benefit at Friday press event
Expect long lines at the border this long weekend

Expect long lines at the border this long weekend

CBSA warns to expect it to busy at all the crossings, with Peace Arch being the busiest
City of Langley unveils new logo

City of Langley unveils new logo

Slogan will remain as “The Place To Be”
#FrontPageFriday Langley Advance rounds up local news

#FrontPageFriday Langley Advance rounds up local news

What will you find in this week’s local newspaper?