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Updated: Crash delays traffic on busy Glover Road in Langley

Updated: Crash delays traffic on busy Glover Road in Langley

At least two cars involved in noon hour collision
High water on Langley shoreline

High water on Langley shoreline

No major damage is expected, but the level of the Fraser River is rising.
VIDEO: Flood evacuation alert issued in Northwest Langley

VIDEO: Flood evacuation alert issued in Northwest Langley

Northwest Langley, Glen Valley, Brae Island and McMillan Island all under watch for flooding
Old Langley legion hall demolished, making room for family condos

Old Langley legion hall demolished, making room for family condos

Five-storey condominium buildings will replace the veteran’s hall by 2020.
New round of consultations about converting Langley hotel into supportive housing

New round of consultations about converting Langley hotel into supportive housing

Organizers hoping small sessions will mean less controversy and more conversation
Supportive housing advocates hope Langley project proceeds

Supportive housing advocates hope Langley project proceeds

A new round of public talks on the project are underway.
Car catches fire near Costco Langley

Car catches fire near Costco Langley

Portion of 64 Avenue and 204 Street blocked Monday morning
Students invited to apply for Canada Summer Jobs 2018

Students invited to apply for Canada Summer Jobs 2018

More than 5,100 jobs available to youth in the Lower Mainland
VIDEO: Langley crash scene Sunday night brought out lots of police

VIDEO: Langley crash scene Sunday night brought out lots of police

Witnesses on scene report two fleeing on foot from a vehicle.
VIDEO: Criminal charges pending in Langley hit-and-run

VIDEO: Criminal charges pending in Langley hit-and-run

One taken into custody