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Election 2014: Ray Lewis answers questions

City of Langley: Lewis, Ray - mayor candidate: He answers The Times' questions.
Ray Lewis

1 -  What is the most important issue facing the City, and how would you propose to deal with it?

To me, question 1 and 2 (What is the best way to deal with the crime issues in the City?) are interconnected. The crime, homelessness, substance abuse and mental health issues, which are clearly out of control, need to be addressed at once. We cannot do so on our own. We must co-ordinate our efforts, along with other cities that are suffering more or less the same problems. We must confront Victoria to demand the provincial government resume its historical responsibility for the mentally ill. For too many years, the needy have been dumped into communities, unable to cope.

The issue of crime must be addressed by a united multi-city approach to Ottawa, to demand realistic laws and appropriate sentencing, to allow the police to function as needed to provide for safe cities.

3- Should the city apply most if not all of its annual take from the casino to upgrading its aging infrastructure, such as water and sewer lines?

I would like to see the majority of casino revenues placed in a cash reserve. The revenues are dropping annually, and counting on such to operate the city could be a mistake. We would have to look at present funding set aside for maintenance and replacement of infrastructure, and proceed in an orderly manner as funds are available.

Some pipes have a useful life limit. The transite (asbestos and cement) water pipes have a 50-year life, and in any case their safety is questionable.

4 - Do you support term limits for members of council?

A reasonable time limit for members of council would be four years.