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Voter's guide provides answers

A Voter’s Guide to Local Elections in British Columbia is now available online.

The provincial government is encouraging eligible voters to participate in the local government election process and to vote in their communities on Saturday, Nov. 19.

To support voters, the Voter’s Guide to Local Elections in British Columbia is now available online, and can be downloaded from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s local government website.

The guide answers basic questions eligible voters might have as they prepare to vote.

The voter’s guide is just one of many online resources voters can access on the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s local government website.

Voters can find guides on subjects such as campaign financing and how to support a local candidate. The site also provides important election calendar deadlines, and answers to the most commonly-asked questions about local government elections.

The link to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development’s local government website is

The link to the voter’s guide is