Notice is hereby given that the Township of Langley Council will meet at the Monday, June 10, 2024 Regular Council meeting starting at 1:30pm and consider the following proposed bylaws for first, second and third reading. Watch online at
Bylaw No. 6021 proposes to designate lands in the Township of Langley located within 800 metres of the Willowbrook SkyTrain Station (see map) as a Transit-Oriented Area (TOA), pursuant to Section 585.51 of the Local Government Act, Orders-in-Council No. 674-2023 and No. 678-2023 (Local Government Transit-Oriented Areas Regulation).

A TOA is defined as an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station. SkyTrain stations include a catchment area of 800 metres, which is divided into three concentric tiers, in which the following minimum allowable densities for residential development would apply.
The prescribed distances and densities establish the provincial government’s expectations for increased housing supply within proximity to transit infrastructure. Any parcel that is partially included in the station catchment area is deemed to be wholly within the catchment area of the TOA and within the respective (higher) density tier.
And take further notice that a copy of Township of Langley Bylaw Nos. 6020 and 6021 and relevant background material may be inspected between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from May 30 to June 10, both inclusive, at the Community Development Division Development Services counter, 2nd floor, Township of Langley Civic Facility, 20338 – 65 Avenue, or online at
Comments may be submitted to by noon on Monday, June 10, 2024 and will be distributed to Council prior to the meeting. There are no speaking opportunities. | 604-533-6034