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Actions speak louder than words

Although the mayor states Langley City is “not shrugging off the problem,” actions speak louder than words.

Editor: The statements made by Mayor Peter Fassbender (“Brazen thefts on the rise in City,”  The Times, April 5) are quite concerning and disappointing. Although he states that the City is “not shrugging off the problem,” actions speak louder than words.

His remark “If people have any better ideas at the moment, I’d love to hear them” shows no responsibility for his position or to the taxpayers of Langley City. Isn’t it his responsibility, as an elected official, to provide a safe community?

The increase in thefts, prostitution, and drug dealing within the City are overwhelming and unacceptable. The people are speaking out, but if no one is listening, nothing will be done.

Maybe Mayor Fassbender will listen when property values decrease within the City limits because of his lack of action. Maybe Mayor Fassbender would listen if the criminals and prostitutes were outside his window.

I am astonished at his blase remark, “I know there are several people saying they aren’t getting timely service from the police, but I think that’s a bit of an overstatement.”

Really? The taxpayers of Langley City are asking for input and help, yet Mayor Fassbender is telling us to call the RCMP and tell them how we feel.

Really? Where is his responsibility? What has he done? I assumed that an elected official would be more proactive for the people and city he represents.

It is a sad day when you don’t feel safe within your own home. It is an even sadder day when you ask for help and no one helps you. I call on all taxpayers of Langley City to call, write, or email Mayor Fassbender and state your disappointment in his lack of action for the people of Langley City.

It is too bad that Langley City has become the “new” Whalley.

Shannon Purdy,

Langley City