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B.C. wolf cull is a cover up for lack of habitat preservation

Times reader Braeden Hallam believes the provincial government’s plan to cull grey wolves in two regions of B.C. is less about protecting caribou and more about compensating for a failure to protect and preserve habitat for the ungulates.

Editor: On behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves, the grey wolves of British Columbia, I am writing in opposition to the wolf cull plan currently being put  into  action.

A total of $2 million in tax dollars is going towards the inhumane act of killing hundreds of wolves within the South Peace region and Southern Selkirk Mountains to save the dwindling caribou population. Who is really at fault though for their near-extinction in the area — the wolf or the provincial government?

The grey wolf is a highly intelligent icon of British Columbia, doing nothing more than acting upon predator instincts. The hunt for this beautiful animal is taking place because of the government’s failure to protect and preserve proper habitat for caribou. Slaughtering the wolf is undoubtedly a simple excuse to cover up for destructive actions due to government  negligence.

This wolf kill agenda is in violation of the government’s own animal cruelty laws. This law states that an animal must be inspected following a shot to ensure that they are dead, and not suffering from a wound.

The helicopters from which the riflemen shoot the wolves in cold blood surely cannot land in most places to verify that the wolf is not in agonizing pain from a non-fatal shot.

Pacific Wild Organization, at the present time, is collecting names on an ongoing petition. It already has over 170,000 signatures. You too can help out by visiting to support this unjustified killing and learn more.

Without our help, as well as rumours of the wolf cull to be extended immensely, what tragic future is forthcoming for the grey wolf of British Columbia?

Braeden Hallam,
