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Brent Parent's driving ban appeal is a selfish move

Editor: Brent Parent is only thinking of himself.  He has no moral right to ask for a shorter time in jail than the five and a half years he must serve for causing the death of Silas O’Brian.

Parent’s lawyer told him that the public would not stand for him to get less  than five and a half years in jail.

Now, he does not want to be banned from driving for 12 years after he is out of jail.

His lawyer says it will make it hard for Parent to find work if he can’t drive to the work place that may hire him.

What do Silas and his family get after Parent is out of jail and finished with his 12 years of being banned from driving?


Silas O’Brian will never drive to the job he was cheated out of having because of Parent’s selfish acts.

Paula Bowman
