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Canada should benefit from oil

This product should not just be sold to foreign buyers — it should benefit all of us.

Editor: Why do we continue to ship Canadian oil to foreign countries? Yes, the U.S. is a foreign country.

Canada’s population, as of July 1, 2013, was 35,458,300, just below the U.S. population of 38,558,371 on July 1, 1870. That was when John D. Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil. He emerged as one of the richest men in the world, just from selling American oil and gas products to Americans.

He and Standard Oil survived scandals, government enquiries, threats and politicians, and all the roadblocks governments threw at them.

Look at Standard Oil (now Exxon Mobil) today — all from that small beginning. The thrust of the company from the beginning was not to buy raw products from foreigners, but to sell them.

We are stuck with the same style of inept politicians uttering the same type of barnyard droppings. They try to impress upon the taxpaying dupes of Canada that we should export raw resources — oil, water, gas, coal or logs.

Oil is of the most concern right now. Considering the tax breaks oil companies enjoy in Canada, we should consider how this resource can best benefit Canadians.

We could have our own gas stations, staffed by Canadians, selling Canadian gasoline in every town and hamlet in Canada, at a fraction of the cost we have been paying.. We need Canadians who seek the truth and are fed up with the erratic and unjustified prices of petroleum products, manipulated by foreign  investment.

If ever any subject requires attention, it is oil. Its source, distribution, price and revenue is of interest to Canadians, The revenue from this product  needs to stay in Canada.

Lorne Hardy,
