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Editorial — Much to appeciate as Christmas approaches

Local controversies, major or minor, pale into insignificance when compared with far more serious issues facing people elsewhere.

The Christmas season is one of peace and joy, and as Christmas 2012 rolls around, there is much of both to be thankful for in Langley.

There has been a sense of peace and quiet over many local government issues for a good portion of the year. There have been some controversies in Langley Township in recent months, but the school district and Langley City have been remarkably free of conflict for most of the year.

While there was controversy in the school district early in the year over the departure of former superintendent Cheryle Beaumont, there has been a renewed sense of working together by most members of the Board of Education and most senior staff members. This was most obvious with the recent capital plan.

All the local controversies, major or minor, really pale into insignificance when compared with the far more serious issues that face citizens in many parts of the world, where municipal government and schools are corrupt, inefficient or non-existent. Both Langleys have good government, with solid mayors and councils and senior administrators, and things roll along day to day without too many apparent problems.

The same can be said for police and fire services, health care and social services. All these services are offered to those who need them —  in a professional and competent manner.

The opening of the Gateway of Hope several years ago has been a positive for the community. Contributions to Salvation Army’s Christmas kettles go directly to operating the Gateway of Hope in the coming year.

It has assisted many people who were once homeless to become  productive and contributing members of society.

The local and national economy is on a fairly even keel as Christmas 2012 approaches, and that’s something to be thankful for as well. There is uncertainty ahead, but Canada’s economy has weathered five years of rough sledding quite well. Attention to government deficits in the past put the federal and provincial governments on a better footing, and a strong and conservative banking system has been a key ingredient.

In Langley, some businesses are struggling, but employment growth continues.

As the holiday season approaches, in that spirit of peace and joy, we wish a Merry Christmas to all our readers and advertisers.