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Giving thought about how to cast a vote in federal election

Many people find it hard to position the Green Party on the old political spectrum.

Editor: The recent landslide election in Alberta intrigued me and had me contemplating on how I will cast my vote in October’s federal election.  There is a phenomenon that the Canadian political pendulum swings from right to left and back again with each election.  This may not be exactly accurate anymore, but the pattern does exist.

I thought I was somewhat familiar with the various party platforms, but what I found most surprising were the unexpected misconceptions I had about the Green Party.  Interestingly, because of their pragmatic approach, many people find it hard to position the Green Party on the old political spectrum.  This is why they appeal to such a wide range of voters.

Another important point, the Green Party passed a resolution in 2012 that select votes in the House of Commons are not to be whipped in a Green Party caucus.  Simply put, a Green MP represents his or her constituents first and foremost.  Along with many other good reasons, that is why, when I cast my vote in October, I will not be leaning left or right. I have decided to go green.

Michelle Matich,
