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Letter: Crosswalks are safety measures, not urban art

Editor: Please don’t call me homophobic if I am against the rainbow crosswalk.

I have a phobia for spending taxpayers’ money on unnecessary projects.

Crosswalks are not urban art. Crosswalks are safety measures.

We don’t paint fire hydrants with rainbow colors, nor do we paint stop signs with rainbows.

Should the Township still give the go-ahead to this project, then let’s recognize other groups as well.

Let’s paint a crosswalk with poppies to commemorate our veterans.

Or a pink and blue crosswalk to remember those lives lost to abortion.  Or one with emergency vehicles to honor our first responders.

Save the money and leave crosswalks as they are.

Better yet, think of what Gateway of Hope could do with $50,000.

Ginny VanderHorst,
