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Letter: Decide what matters most and vote, but spare us the hate

Editor: I have very diversified friends and acquaintances in my life — Christians, atheists, Muslims, Conservatives, NDP, Liberal, western Canadians, eastern Canadians, Americans, pro-choice, pro-life, marijuana users, clean living, gay, straight, single, married.

And I love them all despite our differences.

In these past two months of federal campaigning, I’ve noticed a very interesting trend. It is only the anti-Conservatives who talk or post anything political, and 8/10 times it uses hateful language, is demonizing and borderlines on extremism.

I understand that it comes from a place of wanting change, but really, I think it comes more from mob hysteria than anything else.

It’s no secret that I am a politically active person.

I’m a proud federal Conservative, provincial Liberal and supporter of most members of our current Township of Langley council.

I dislike the politics of Trudeau and Mulcair, as do most Conservatives.

However, just because I dislike their politics it does not mean I hate the person, nor do I need to spew hate to prove my inclination of being opposed to their views.

It also does not mean I like every piece of politic that Harper believes, just because I am Conservative.

As an educated voter, I’ve weighed the policies of the key issues that affect my daily life.

As a single mother who independently financially supports her family, has a mortgage, kids in activities and in an independent school, I live pretty lean.

Finances are a daily fine balancing act, and one hiccup can upset my apple cart.

Economy and stability are my key daily issues. In fact, my decision to vote is based on that issue alone.

Immigration issues, marijuana legalization and other issues, although important, do not affect my life as much as the economy does.

Healthcare, social program funding and other issues, although important, do not affect my life as much as the economy does.  But that does not mean I do not care about those issues, nor does it mean I necessarily agree with the Conservative policies on those issues.

But what it does mean, by voting for a party that does not necessarily fully align with my view in all matters, is that I have made the best of a democratic process and voted anyways.

Stop your “Woe are the Canadians, with the messed up political system” mentality.

Go to a Third World country and say that to the people who have death as the consequence for political protest.

Drop your Utopian wish that you want someone who encompasses all your same views on every single issue.

You would need to clone yourself if that is what you seek, because no two people are the same.

And just remember, regardless of who gets in to run this great place we call Canada, two thirds of the country probably didn’t vote for them.

That doesn’t mean it’s a corrupt system and that doesn’t mean it’s not democratic.

But that is our hand dealt and our lot in life, so just do your best to live within it.

But please stop with the hate, anger and bitterness.

There is too much of it in this world already.

Misty van Popta,

Fort Langley