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Letter: Forced grass isn’t greener

Grass can be grass it is spotty, unkempt and can be a muddy mess during the rainy season, notes letter writer Barb Wallick.

Dear Editor,

The Township of Langley is making us plant grass on our boulevard, which will take unnecessary use of water this summer rather than let us keep the clean and tidy drain rock we’ve had for years.

The crazy thing is most of our neighbours have done the same thing and if there is grass it is spotty, unkempt and can be a muddy mess during the rainy season.

If we do not comply, we will be charged $500 per day until we do as asked.

Kind of excessive if you ask me, when they only fine truck drivers with potentially unsafe loads $100 per day in fines.

Something is not right with this picture.

In speaking with folks on our street, many told me they were going to do the same thing until I explained why not to yet.

I think it is unfair to have us change something that has been in place for a long time just because we freshened it up and a troublesome neighbour complained.

Barb Wallick, Brookswood