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LETTER: Hospital hasn't kept pace with Langley growth

Hospital isn't the only local amenity overwhelmed with population increase

Dear Editor,

[Re: LETTER: Resident sees doctors shortage firsthand, Langley Advance Times, Nov. 13]

In a recent letter to the editor, the letter writer says he was hours waiting at the emergency at Langley Memorial Hospital gave up and went home. He says that there was only one doctor on shift, and they were short staffed.

I have lived in Langley for 40 years. It never used to be like it is now.

The problem with the emergency department at the hospital is not the staff. It is the amount of people who have moved into Langley.

The Langley Township and City councils keeps approving more and more housing development. More people, same hospital. The roads are like rush hour all day long. Just try and call the police. Good luck.

How can we expect timely service at the hospital with the influx of thousands of new residents when nothing has changed for the staffing?

Philip Tailleur, Langley Meadows