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LETTER: Langley church's Christmas dinner welcomes many

Volunteers serve full dinner to seniors, newcomers, the unhoused, and others Christmas Day
Students at St. Catherine's School created custom placemats. About 300 people were served Christmas dinner with all the trimmings at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Christmas Day.

Dear Editor,

[Re: St. Joe's has 300 in for dinner, Langley Advance Times, Jan. 8]

On behalf of the St. Joseph's Catholic Church Christmas Dinner Committee we would like to thank your paper and video coverage for our Christmas Dinner.

As an update to our dinner that you came out to view prior to this event in 2024 where our volunteers were working to get things ready for what we believed was going to be a busy evening – we were expecting 200 guests. We received almost 300 guests through our doors on Christmas Day.

We were so grateful to be able to serve so many members of our community, seniors, new immigrants to Canada (their first Christmas in Canada) and those people without a home.

One and all were welcomed to a delicious turkey/ham dinner with all the fixings. And the food never ran out! What a blessing to see so many happy faces altogether.

Thanks again for sharing the word about our Community Dinner.

Happy New Year to everyone at the Langley Advance Times and thanks to reporter Dan Ferguson for taking the time to visit Christmas Eve Day.

Marg Rodrigues, Christmas Dinner 2024 coordinator