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LETTER: Langley City didn't do enough to prevent current crises

City should make developers pay more for their role in driving home prices higher, letter writer says

Dear Editor,

[Re: Agencies sheltering homeless only last a season: City mayor, Langley Advance Times, Dec. 4]

Dan Ferguson’s story was a little hard to swallow. Mayor Pachal would like the Township of Langley to build a homeless shelter. He can wish all he wants, but he can’t make that happen. He is not the mayor of Langley Township. It doesn’t cost anything to have an opinion.

In Langley City the Salvation Army Gateway of Hope is overwhelmed. The mayor here is Nathan Pachal. Wishing that faith-based organizations could provide emergency shelter services adequate to fill the need is indeed a nice wish. Praying might do more good. It doesn’t cost anything either, and wishing or praying for this to happen lets everyone know how much you really care about the problem.

This council was elected to serve the voters in the City of Langley. More time, effort, and expense has gone into serving the future residents than the current ones. No one voted to increase density, increase the civic debt, drive up the cost of housing, and add to the number of desperate homeless people.

Land Development Agreements are a way the City can negotiate with developers prior to permits being issued. I propose that the City require that developers fund adequate shelter space, since the profit-driven developments seem to be a reason housing is so expensive, and homelessness is increasing. It would make up for some of the other aggravations long-term residents have to endure thanks to developer-friendly Pachal, pile driving being the latest assault.

Richard Penner, Langley City