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LETTER: Langley dog attacked by cats shows need for legal change

A longtime advocate for animals has some suggestions on changes to the law after a dog was attacked by several cats. The dog owner has little recourse for vet bills
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Dear Editor,
Dog owner shocked by cat attack,, June 11]

I noticed this article of an odd situation about cats attacking a small dog. Evidently there is no recourse due to no bylaws governing such an incident.
I was wondering if, as cats are not officially categorized as a domestic animal, if they may come under some Wildlife Act classification and if so, might some provision exist to protect a victim from a wild animal attack? If so, might the companion animal guardian with the small dog qualify for some compensation under the act?
Possibly you could have a look, and if applicable, let the dog guardian know of what is covered and/or nothing?
I would add, it seems incongruous she would have called BC SPCA offices, be on hold and eventually cut off? Possibly a review of your phone services may be warranted, as well?
I have never encountered such an incident since 1995 upon my starting as an advocate for animals.
Please be so kind as to let me know what you are able to conclude and any action available? I shall give consideration, as well, to develop a proposed bylaw and submit to governments.
Thank you for any kindness you can extend in this serious matter, as I am certain the companion animal guardian must be frantic and very worried, as we may all be if such an incident occurred to one of our pets.
George F. Evens, Mission