Dear Editor,
I was at the lab [LifeLabs] in Langley, at your lab on 206 Street, to get testing done as I’m Type 1 diabetic and get tested every three months.
My appointment was at 2:35 p.m., and I did not get tested until about 3:10 p.m.
I was told that appointments are booked for every five minutes. Whoever thought that one up must be either delusional or downright greedy.
How do they expect someone to come in, register, and get tested within five minutes?
I felt very sorry for the staff who were moving as fast as they could and were run off their feet!
I would like an explanation as to why the booking is done this way.
Is there zero concern for those who have had to fast from the night before or other people who have other commitments?
The incompetence is unbelievable and not the fault of the staff who are run off their feet.
I would like the person in charge of these ridiculous policies to call me with an explanation and not just try to pacify me.
Callie McHardy, Langley