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Letter: Open forum drives away reader

Dear Editor,

It was with great sadness that I read Roland Seguin’s latest comments spewing his extreme right wing ideas on how much money is wasted on protesters of the Enbridge pipeline [Protestors raise energy cost, July 31 Letters, Langley Advance].

Hey, I have an idea, instead of spending all this money on developing fossil fuels, we could invest in some other more sustainable forms of energy, such as hydro, solar, fusion, wind, etc., etc.

I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion [Request speaks to freedom, July 31 Letters, Advance], and all the power to your paper and to Mr. Sequin. For myself, I have the power to choose [Please censor writer, July 24 Letters, Advance], and I choose never to read your paper again, and will line the proverbial bird cage with it in the future.

Diane Todosychuk, Langley