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Letter: Organization’s politics should not affect their funding

Editor: The following is an open letter to MP John Aldag:

Editor: The following is an open letter to MP John Aldag:

Dear Mr. Aldag:In a recent flyer mailed to my home, you include photographs of representatives of a number of groups that received funding from the 2018 Canada Summer Jobs Program. I’m sure this was intended to trumpet the fact that these organizations were able to create jobs for young people using government funds.

But I saw this page as a wall of shame. To get the money, every one of the organizations pictured (including a Christian church) had to indicate their support for abortion rights.

What about including a list of those organizations that could not receive funding because they could not, in good conscience, sign the attestation on the summer jobs program form?

Such a list would include an organization like Manoah Manor, a senior citizens home in your riding. Manoah Manor provides affordable residential and intermediate care for dozens of senior citizens. Yet, because their moral and political views do not align with those of your government, you denied them the opportunity to receive funding under this program.

It is my hope that in the future, one’s politics and morals do not have to align with those of the party in power in order to participate in any government program.

Kent Dykstra,
