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LETTER: Son’s memorial tree revisited in MacLeod Park

Not all trees have kept loved ones’ memories alive
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Dear Editor,

Today I visited MacLeod Park, where Langley Arbour Day was held in 2007.

On that occasion, along with my grandchildren, I had planted a red horse chestnut tree in memory of my son, James Holford, who passed away at age 28 years.

Many trees were planted that day, and a board was erected at the entrance, showing the types of trees, their location, along with the memoriam.

At that time, the commitment from the Township was that each tree cost $300 and they would look after it for 10 years.

My experience has been that I watched my tree slowly die for three years, and then contacted the Township about my disappointment.

I was very fortunate that they honoured their commitment and replaced it. Now it thrives and is full of blooms that will be flowering on James’s birthday, May 24.

It saddens me that the Township didn’t follow through on their commitment for many others who planted trees on that occasion, as there are very few trees that have survived.

The sign board is useless, as it represents little of the occasion from 2007, and mocks the Township’s mandate to have a ribbon of green from the United States border to the Fraser River, which was how it was advertised at that time.

I hope those who planted trees this year weren’t given that same commitment, as they are likely to be very disappointed.

Margaret Holford, Chilliwack

READ MORE: Trees planted to remember the departed at Langley Arbour Day event