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LETTER: Spend money on rehabilitation instead of legalization

Addicts need help getting clean, not getting their drugs at taxpayers’ cost
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Dear Editor,

Our government needs to take responsibility instead of turning its back and finding the easy way out.

We have a problem, so let’s make it a bigger problem. Make illegal drugs legal, and taxpayers can pay for a free ride for drug addicts who don’t want to work.

Instead of spending money making it legal, giving them free housing, and taxpayers paying for their free methadone, why don’t we spend this money in a better direction, and actually get them the help they need?

Instead of the government spending money on supervising injection sites and all this legalization of drugs and possessing drugs, spend that money on more rehab centres and professional help.

If a drug addict overdoses, they are automatically admitted and forced to stay and get rehabilitated, with help to be released back into society with a job.

Why would a drug addict want to clean up if you get free housing, free food, free drugs, free medical, and a free, dry, clean place to inject the drugs?

I think this is just increasing the problem, and not decreasing the problem.

Anngela Bayer, Langley