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LETTER: Tariff war is fault of Canadians, too

Liberals and Conservatives also responsible for current state
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meet with U.S. President Donald Trump back in 2018. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

Dear Editor,

Well, after 200+ years of cooperation, friendship, and mutual support, the U.S. [under President Trump] has become our adversary.

While disappointing, this threat of 25-per-cent U.S. tariff is our own darn fault… Canada hasn’t pulled its weight since the Korean War in 1950.

Instead, we relied on the U.S. to defend us.

Recently, our Liberal government asked the U.S. to shoot down the Chinese “spy balloon” over the Northwest Territories… the “fly over” during the Canada Day Celebration in Ottawa last year was from the U.S… aircraft based in Buffalo, N.Y. – this at the Liberal government’s request.

Further, the U.S. has some 22,000 military personnel in Alaska, Russia is estimated to have 38,000, and Canada has 300. This to defend our sovereignty over the Arctic Archipelago and the North West passage, sigh.

Canadians have elected the Liberal Party of Canada, who consistently starved our military of funds. The Progressive Conservatives [now the Conservative Party of Canada] is responsible too. They failed to restore those funds.

We, the Canadian people, have also failed to insist on a military that pulls its weight in NATO most especially in these days of Russian aggression.

After the Second World War, Canada had a military of which Canadians could be proud… we pulled our weight beyond our means… heck we had the third largest navy in the world. Instead, we have relied on the U.S. to defend us most especially during the Cold War until this day. No wonder the U.S. taxpayer is upset with us.

And this general malaise has also spread towards law enforcement, law and order, and the justice system, where unsupervised immigration in this country prevails.

Our governments, most especially the Liberals, but the Conservatives too, have failed to counter the Liberal’s “woke” agenda in particular towards the justice system where the criminals have more rights than their victims… go figure?

Furthermore, who do we have to defend Canada against President Trump?  A “lame duck” wimp of a prime minister and his “woke” minions?

Canadian voters were duped by his youthful good looks and his “charisma,” a part-time high school “drama” teacher who has no business being a prime minister .

An election can’t come soon enough for this senior.

I’ll tell ya… what a state we find ourselves in?

Gordo Weitzel, Langley