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Letter: Words of praise for LHM staff refreshing to see

Editor: How refreshing to read the letter from Mae Rink (The Times, Aug. 19) praising the staff at Langley Memorial Hospital.

Too often we see letters of complaint following a stay at that institution.

I am in no way denouncing the authenticity of those complaints since I am not in a position to do so, but it would give a lift to all hospital personnel if more of us took the time to say thanks for a job well done.

It hardly needs to be pointed out that all hospitals are understaffed, underfunded and crowded beyond capacity.

And, too often, the negative comments fall on the shoulders of the hard working staff and doctors.

Ms. Rink noted that everyone responsible for her comfort and well being was professional and caring.

I’m sure that goes for 99 per cent of the staff and medical staff at LMH.

Doris Riedweg,
