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Letters: Clear the air about marijuana dispensaries

Dear Editor,

Where are the facts?

In a democratic society, our government leaders follow statistics and, hopefully, scientific evidence, and then they implement laws to reduce a problem or increase the level of safety. An example would be an increase in accidents due to excessive speed resulting in lower speed limit laws, or a number of our laws associated around the use of alcohol or tobacco.

Recently, we’ve heard a lot of discussion and opinions with regards to the use of marijuana and the establishment of dispensaries in our communities. Nowhere do I hear mention of an increase of any problems arising from the presence of marijuana dispensaries.

I hear a lot about perceived problems, but I must point out that, in our society, something is not illegal because somebody doesn’t like the look of it or because it is new.

Perhaps it is time to encourage our elected officials to look at the facts that simple science provides, and not make laws based on age-old society beliefs.

Ryan Usenik, Langley