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Letters: Fire all the teachers and start fresh

Dear Editor,

I wish we could fire all the teachers and the school board, as well. We need to get rid of them and have a fresh start.

Trustee Cecelia Reekie has indicated she won’t seek re-election. Do I cry over it? No.

She sees a system that is broken beyond a repair, and is fleeing for the hills.

We have greed within the system. Let’s see it for what it is. The teachers are a greedy folk who want more than they give.

I grew up in the public system in the 1970s and early 1980s and it was broken then – and it has only gotten worse.

I remember teachers coming to class for 10 minutes to give some sort of instruction and then disappear into the teachers lounge, watching television until the end of class.

I followed a few of my instructors to see where they were going from time-to-time, leaving their classrooms in chaos. They simply did not care. They were there for the salary, benefits, pension and of course – a long vacation schedule.

Nothing has changed. Teachers of today claim they are different, but when I talk to parents of students in the public education, their stories are exactly the same as my time in the public system.

This government needs to clean house, and we need to start with the teachers’ union. I do not believe in the rhetoric of BCTF president Jim Iker. He doesn’t want to give up his combined income of $200K-plus per year salary.

I would like to see this union broken. It is a fiasco that needs to be fixed.

Sandra Steffan, Langley