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McFarlane endorses several trustee candidates

I would like to provide some clarification to a recent letter to the editor.

Editor: A recently published letter in The Times makes a number of assertions regarding myself, along with Trustee Wendy Johnson, Trustee Cecelia Reekie, Megan Dykeman, and Candy Ashdown.  I would like to provide some clarification.

While I do not always share the views of Trustees Johnson and Reekie, and we vote differently on a fairly regular basis, I find them to be intelligent, thoughtful, and caring trustees – who have been a significant part of turning the Langley School District around (a task that is far from complete).  While they have not asked for my endorsement, I do encourage Township voters to support Trustees Johnson and Reekie, along with John McKendry.

In addition, I have explicitly endorsed Megan Dykeman (Township) and Candy Ashdown (City).  As can be seen by responses to your recent survey, our views also differ on a variety of issues.  Notwithstanding that I am convinced they will make excellent trustees and play key roles in completing the job of turning the school district around.

A large part of a trustee’s job is bringing individuals and groups together, regardless of whether or not you agree on a particular subject.  To that end I am very pleased to be supported by a variety of parents, students, locally elected officials, Mayor Peter Fassbender, business owners, and employees — unionized and otherwise.  I believe one of my strengths as a trustee is the ability to bring together a diverse group of people to work in the interests of our students.

I have no objection if some wish to view that arrangement as a ‘slate,’ but it certainly does not fit my definition.

Trustee Robert McFarlane,

Langley City