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McGregor Says: Changing the morning routine

It’s nice to have a morning routine. It sets the pace for the day and gives us a sense of order. We can usually conduct our morning routine without much thought as our mind slowly kicks into gear.

It’s nice to have a morning routine. It sets the pace for the day and gives us a sense of order. We can usually conduct our morning routine without much thought as our mind slowly kicks into gear.

If the coffee finishes brewing just as the toast pops, that is a good thing. If the paper is on the doorstep we can take it to our reading spot with our coffee and the day is well underway.

I’ve always been delighted when many of you have taken time to tell me that reading my column is part of your morning routine for the past 12 years and I have taken that seriously and try to help you have a positive start to your day.

I’m sure most of have you seen the story in today’s issue that tells you that today is the last Friday edition of the Langley Times.

It will also be my last weekly column for a while.

The Wednesday paper will still be produced and delivered and I will contribute to that edition twice a month, in addition to working on some seniors’ stories.

I can recall that Dad’s local paper was on the arm of his chair each week, undisturbed by anyone before he read it. Like most people in days gone by, he read it from front to back, reading the stories and editorials and checking the ads from Buckerfields and Gibson’s Auctions. He trusted that the editor and publisher had ensured what they were reporting was truthful and topical and he respected the reporters’ views even if they didn’t agree with his.

Local newspapers connect deeply with the communities they serve and are a great place for local community advertisers to reach potential customers. Most people go to the local paper to get information on hot public issues or, as we will soon see, who their political candidates are.

As fire chief or co-coordinator of the Christmas Bureau, I always relied on the local paper to get the message out whether it was about fire prevention or a need for more toys. Amazing journalists like Monique, Troy or Gary, who are leaving the paper in this time of transition, always knew exactly what combination of photos and words were required to inspire the public to action.

Many local non-profit groups or service clubs rely on pre and post event coverage of an event to guarantee success and much of this reporting and advertising is supplied free.

Surveys reveal that people are still reading their local newspaper, be they millennials or boomers, and rely on them for the same honest reporting my Dad expected years ago. The history of the Langley Times is one of resilience and with its strong readership base, it will be on your doorstep for a long time to come.

As for your morning routine, I’m going to put my columns into book form so we can still have our conversations over coffee.

At least that’s what McGregor says.