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Mystery on 44 Avenue

Chicken slaughter defies logic and certainly befuddles my little brain.

Editor: Mysterious happenings on 44 Avenue in Langley need a solution. My friends own a pleasant five-acre holding. They own a llama, two cats and until a couple of days ago, 18 productive chickens.

Now the mystery. The chickens had been allowed the freedom to roam the property, which they did with clucking joy and happy scratching. When the owners awoke to what they expected to be a normal day they found, to their horror, that only four chickens remained.

Their immediate and sad conclusion was that a pack of coyotes had been in action. They searched the premises. No remains, no blood and nothing at all but 14 piles of neatly plucked feathers.  To my knowledge, no animal painstakingly plucks dead birds before devouring them or stealthily taking them to their lair.

A human thief? Very unlikely, as nobody in their right mind is going to chase chickens in total darkness, catch them and painstakingly pluck them prior to leaving. It defies the logic of the owners and certainly befuddles my little brain.

What is the answer to this mystery?

Mike Harvey,
