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Neighbourhood is under siege

Developers who have no our future in the neighbourhood tell the council exactly what they want and get it. We are left with their legacy.

Editor: Re: Resistance to Walnut Grove development, (The Times, Oct. 29).

Despite the near-unanimous neighborhood opposition to this street rezoning; despite the fact that previous councils have already rejected identical rezoning applications, our council is focused on a plan that leaves a normal old neighbourhood in a situation where they must remove most of the old trees and leave people with no parking,  no park space and no yards.

Who would benefit with a  doubling of the density to this street? Certainly nobody who has a future here.

As a homeowner, you pick an existing neighbourhood for your family to grow.  Developers who have no our future in the neighbourhood tell the council exactly what they want and get it.  We are left with their legacy.

Where do we move to next?  Why can’t we keep a nice neighbourhood right here in Walnut Grove?


Todd Sorbo,
