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Odd Thoughts: Suits still lookin’ an’ pointin’

Come hell or high water, the politicians will be out there practicing their flood response.

Come an’ have a look-see, Martha. They’re back! The same ones as before.

Oh, for goodness sake, Herbert. Who’s back? And close that bathroom window. Why are you opening it all the time? The same ones as before what?

Same ones as last time. Or it’s the same suits, anyhow. And they’re lookin’ at the water an’ pointin’ at the dikes, jest like last time.

Maybe they’re pointing at the window, Herbert. Maybe they want you to close it before you let all the heat out and the mosquitoes in.

No, no. Look-see. They’re standin’ over by the river an’ pointin’. Gee willikers! It’s jest like last time. They’re pointin’ at the dikes

They’re probably pointing at all the warm air you’re letting out of the house, Herbert.

No, no. They’re pointin’ at the water, and at the dikes, and they’re pointin’ at the ditch that runs into the crick that runs past the shed. Now they’re walkin’… nope, they’ve stopped. Now they’re pointin’ at the dikes again.

Maybe they’ve finally sent somebody over to fix the dikes this time? They keep promising. You never know.

Well… mebbe. One of them keeps pointin’ over to where the water broke out in ‘48… Crikey, it’s like watchin’ reruns on the teevy. Every time there gets to be a little extra water comin’ down the river these fellas pop out like the cuckoo clock is workin’ agin.

You sure they’re not here to fix the dikes? Do they have shovels?

Nope. It’s just like last time when they did nuthin’. They got them suits on, and the same slick, shiny shoes. Jest standin’ there lookin’ an’ pointin’.

Not even gum boots?

Nope. Jest lookin’ an’ pointin’. Same as always. Ever since ‘48, anyways, they jest come out lookin’ an’ pointin’ every time the river rises. Last time they were lookin’ an’ pointin’ was back in ‘07. Remember that?

I do remember you making some kind of crack about rat catchers. And I remember it wasn’t very funny. You know the government people don’t catch rats.

Nope, yer right about that, Martha. ‘Cause then they’d be useful.

That’s not funny, either, Herbert. I’m sure they’re doing their best.

You’re right about that, Martha. An’ it’s a darn sight certain the best they ever do is make excuses. Comes hell or high water, they’re good at that. Specially high water. Jest watch.