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ODD THOUGHTS: Teen braggadacio rules the world

Columnist Bob Groeneveld has had enough of the drama from politicians.

It just doesn’t pay to grow up these days.

Do you want to succeed?

Cry. Shout. Scream. Throw a tantrum. Hold your breath until you turn blue. Whatever it takes to bully your detractors into submission is fair game.

Success has become dependent on men stoking their teenage hormones and keeping any calming influences of adulthood at bay.

I know, you’re going to ask how that represents any kind of change over the past.

The difference is that it’s openly encouraged, and those who are best at it – or worst, depending on which world you grew up in – are lauded and revered by the masses, instead of just by a handful of mouth-breathing locker room buddies.

The teen with the biggest mouth used to to have a small following of IQ-challenged peers – and he knew to keep his mouth shut when he needed to borrow the car.

Now he takes the car, runs over the neighbours, and is admired when he creates alternative facts to pass off his indiscretions as superior behaviour. The best behaviour. Behaviour that’s better than anyone ever before.

The result is that we now are living in an alternative reality – a kind of Peter Pan reality in which an American president is revered by millions who hang on his every lie. And apparently unsubstantiated claims about the size of his penis, for crying out loud.

And speaking of crying, do they really need to continue investigations into Brett Kavanaugh? He likes beer.

He does not like women. No need to investigate, just look at his judicial record. And he cries and shouts strange things and throws tantrums when he’s under pressure.

If they weren’t living in a teenage world nobody would bother investigating. Just find someone else to sit on the bench. Almost anyone over the age of 12 will do.

It would be amusing… except it’s creeping north.

We have a silly playground squabble between BC and Alberta and the feds, and all three threatening to take their ball and go home… when they figure out whose ball it is.

We have a premier in Ontario ripping up our constitution out of nothing more than a childish need for payback.

I wonder. Is it too late to build a wall along the 49th parallel to keep that stuff out of Canada?

It would have to be made of Lego bricks, of course.