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Parking prohibited at Events Centre

I became angry that the hundreds of teachers there were being shut out of the north and south parking lots for no apparent reason.

Editor: On Wednesday morning, I attended the Langley Events Centre for a rally about the teachers’ job action. I wanted to listen to the speakers because our children’s education is an important issue.

At the entrance, there were parking directors who were telling people to drive around to 202 St to park. Meanwhile the parking lots were mostly empty.

With arthritis and mobility pain, it was difficult for me to walk the mile from 80 Ave. and 202 St. to the rally, which I finally found at the back of the centre.

I walked past hundreds of empty parking spaces. I became angry that the hundreds of teachers there were being shut out of the north and south parking lots for no apparent reason.  We paid $53 million for this centre, which most of us never use.

After the rally ended, I went to see the manager to ask why he closed off the parking lots to the teachers. He did not have a reason, as there were no other events going on. Could it be because Liberal minister Rich Coleman has his office in the front of the centre?

Why was the rally held at the back of the centre? The discrimination shown towards the Langley teachers and the BCTF speakers demonstrates the Liberals’ blatant partisan politics and their arrogance. They will not be getting my vote — ever.

Jan Stuart,
