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Premier Clark is like a school yard bully

I am so sick to death of the HST/PST stick men and the deceitful message they portray, along with Christy Clark’s “Family First” theme.

Editor: I am so sick to death of the HST/PST stick men and the deceitful message they portray, along with Christy   Clark’s “Family First” theme. I want to barf.  The continuance of Gordon Campbell’s arrogance and disrespect for the taxpayer, which has been so blatantly continued under Clark, is abhorrent.

The most recent example is the discontinuing of the points we gather for our prescriptions. Is this a priority of her  government? How is that going to save the economy? It has nothing whatever to do with our taxes.

It is just another way to hurt those who are already poor and take away one tiny frill we were able to enjoy. I for one miss my Air Miles.

How is this “Family First?” Did Clark get a thrill knowing that the poor will be hurt once more?

She puts me in mind of the school yard bully, one who catches flies and tears off their wings, and then lets them go.

This is what Clark is doing with the HST/PST ads. I say, shame on you, Premier Clark.

I have run a spreadsheet ever since the HST came into effect. My fixed income has shrunk by $90 to $100.  This tax is not good for people on fixed incomes.

Audrie Maki,
