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Sounds of silence in Langley Township

Langley Township residents need to be part of any conversations on added gambling facilities.

Editor: As longtime Langley Township residents, we find the silence surrounding aspects of land purchase and municipal planning to be alarming.

First, there was the purchase of land adjacent to the Langley Events Centre. The following week, there was a vague reference to the possibility of the Township securing a gaming centre.

Will the citizens of Langley Township be able to voice their views on this matter?

The Oct. 11 issue of The Times references a lawsuit by an addicted gambler against  Langley City’s Cascades Casino and the provincial government.

During Langley City’s casino public hearings (we were in attendance), the vast majority spoke out against granting a licence, citing the breakdown of families and the increase of gambling addiction.

The voices of those in attendance were met with silence from the existing council, with the exception of then-councillor Peter Fassbender.

We urge Langley Township council to engage its citizens as it plans the future of our community. We do not want to remain silent on this matter, and ask for the opportunity to voice our concerns.

Harry and Martha Moes,
