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What happened to the 'arbour ribbon' concept?

80 housing units in the midst of an active Milner farm isn't separating development from agriculture.

Editor: A few years ago, we taxpayers bought a golf course called Redwoods. It was to be what is called an “arbour ribbon.” This is land that separates mass housing developments from agricultural land.

We taxpayers now forego the property taxes on this site.  Wasn’t a golf course a good enough separation, without having to purchase it?

But what boggles my mind took place at the Feb.13 council meeting. The Township is now plunking about 80 housing units right in the middle of one of the largest pieces of farm land left in the Milner valley (the Wall property). Go figure.

At least the two new councillors, Dave Davis and Michelle Sparrow, along with Councillor Kim Richter, voted against this proposal. Thank you.

Morally and ethically, this was the right thing to do.  And by the way, isn’t there a moratorium on building over the Hopington Aquifer. I guess not.

Dennis Townsend,
