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Where does bridge toll money go?

Editor: It has been announced that tolls will be raised on the Port Mann Bridge by 15 cents per crossing starting Saturday, Aug. 15.

They say that it is because of bridge building, operating and maintenance costs, but it makes me wonder.

TReO claims that the tolls are not being raised to make a profit, but is this increase really because of salary increases for TReO and the Transportation Investment Corporation executives?

I would like to know how much money really goes to ongoing bridge maintenance versus executive pay maintenance.

I would like to see a list of executive salaries published for these two corporations.

And I want to see the justification along with a break down of the costs to maintain the bridge and all the salaries of the employees in the companies.

I think it would be fair for the paying public to see the truth, rather than a blurb released from TReO and the Transportation Investment Corporation that more money is needed with no real explanation, other than bridge maintenance costs.

The paying public wants accountability. Show us the facts.

Sandra Steffan
