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PHOTOS: Top 10 memories of the 2010 Olympics

PHOTOS: Top 10 memories of the 2010 Olympics

Black Press Media’s Jenna Hauck, shares some of her most memorable images of 2010 Winter Games
PHOTOS: Trans Mountain hosts mock oil spill response practice in Kamloops

PHOTOS: Trans Mountain hosts mock oil spill response practice in Kamloops

Practice comes after an excavator accidentally struck the pipeline near Jacko Lake in mid-February
Two Canadians quarantined on cruise ship test positive for Wuhan coronavirus

Two Canadians quarantined on cruise ship test positive for Wuhan coronavirus

They were dropped off as the ship docked and transferred to nearby hospitals for further test and treatment
CBSA union members stage rally at Peace Arch border crossing

CBSA union members stage rally at Peace Arch border crossing

Union president says it will continue to assess “pressure tactics”
B.C.’s oldest practising lawyer celebrates 100th birthday, shares advice

B.C.’s oldest practising lawyer celebrates 100th birthday, shares advice

Firefighters bring Constance Isherwood a cake with 100 birthday candles
PHOTOS: Tuesday morning’s icy Fraser Valley commute

PHOTOS: Tuesday morning’s icy Fraser Valley commute

Slippery roads forced drivers to use caution and stay well under the speed limit
‘Millions of sparks’: Weather raises Australia’s fire danger

‘Millions of sparks’: Weather raises Australia’s fire danger

The wildfires have already burned about 5 million hectares
PHOTOS: Thousands in Asia marvel at ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse

PHOTOS: Thousands in Asia marvel at ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse

Authorities in Indonesia provided telescopes and hundreds of special glasses to protect viewers’ eyes
One year later: Looking back on the storm that broke the White Rock Pier

One year later: Looking back on the storm that broke the White Rock Pier

One year later, the 105 year-old structure is complete again, but fundraising continues
VIDEO: Seals and gulls swarm White Rock for fish-feeding frenzy

VIDEO: Seals and gulls swarm White Rock for fish-feeding frenzy

Waterfront has been a hub of activity for wildlife watchers