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ELECTED: Chapman takes Surrey South for Conservatives in B.C.

ELECTED: Chapman takes Surrey South for Conservatives in B.C.

Controversy did not affect voting pattern for riding
Furor continues over B.C. Conservative candidate's 'offensive' posts

Furor continues over B.C. Conservative candidate's 'offensive' posts

Rustad declines further comment, Chapman seeks legal advice
NDP calls for removal of B.C. Conservative candidate over racist comments

NDP calls for removal of B.C. Conservative candidate over racist comments

South Surrey candidate Haroon Ghaffar says racist thinking and ideology cannot be tolerated in B.C. politics
White Rock Muslim Association calls on B.C. candidate to withdraw

White Rock Muslim Association calls on B.C. candidate to withdraw

Muslim association says Conservative candidate apology 'rings hollow'
B.C. Conservative candidate faces storm over Islamophobic comments

B.C. Conservative candidate faces storm over Islamophobic comments

Brent Chapman issues apology for Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian Facebook posts from 2015
Former Surrey South candidate wants money back from BC United

Former Surrey South candidate wants money back from BC United

White Rock councillor says he's ready to help rebuild a 'middle-of-the-road' party for B.C.
B.C. singer returns to music after life-changing motorcycle crash

B.C. singer returns to music after life-changing motorcycle crash

Richard Tichelman to release new album this month
'Loved by all': Surrey woman killed in home invasion, family says

'Loved by all': Surrey woman killed in home invasion, family says

Police were called to Port Kells home late Sunday night
UPDATE: Pedestrian seriously injured in South Surrey crash

UPDATE: Pedestrian seriously injured in South Surrey crash

Roads have now reopened after crash near Semiahmoo Shopping Centre
New B.C. crime novel paints dark portrait of small-city life

New B.C. crime novel paints dark portrait of small-city life

Sam Wiebe's Ocean Drive is a hard-boiled narrative of gang warfare, violence and murder