Due to the success of an innovative and practical approach to networking within the voluntary/non-profit sector in Langley in April, the Langley Chamber of Community Services is hosting another session, with a twist for summer: Speed Dating in the Park.
The event will be held on Thursday, July 21 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., with networking and refreshments starting at 4 p.m.
The event will be at Williams Park, 68 Avenue and 238 St.
Registration is required by e-mailing your name and organization to langleyccs@hotmail.ca.
For more Information, call Dave Stark at 604-807-0306 or e-mail dave_stark@shaw.ca or douglas@sterlingcampaign.com.
Due to limited space, only one person per voluntary organization may sign up to attend.
After April’s event, many people offered high praise: “The best networking event I have been to in 30 years,” said Shefali Raja of the Fraser Health Authority.
“There was an emerging camaraderie among the non-profits that attended,” commented Allan Thain, artistic director of Bard in the Valley.
"Great to meet people in organizations that I knew little about," said Dorothy McKim, of the Ishtar Transition Housing Society.
"Almost everyone I connected with will be beneficial to network with for the Action Table," added Carla Robin, the co-ordinator for the Langley Seniors Community Association Table.