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SHARE: Snowfall in the village

Send us your photo showing how you view Langley, and it could be featured in a future edition
Larry Worledge took a variety of snowfall pictures around Fort Langley during the holidays, including one of the Christmas tree decorated on the Fort-to-Fort Trail. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

Let’s see Langley Through Your Lens.

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Larry Worledge took a variety of snowfall pictures around Fort Langley during the holidays, including one of the frozen Fraser River, looking across to the little church on McMillan Island. (Special to Langley Advance Times)
Larry Worledge took a variety of snowfall pictures around Fort Langley during the holidays, including this one of the frozen Fraser River. (Special to Langley Advance Times)
Larry Worledge took a variety of snowfall pictures around Fort Langley during the holidays, including this one taken at Marina Park. (Special to Langley Advance Times)
A hummingbird perched on a limb of a Larry Worledge’s hydrangea bush, between the snow covered florets, in his Fort Langley backyard. During the recent frozen spell, the family was putting the feeder out every few hours, to ensure they got food. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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